Share Your Favorite or Surprising Airport Amenity

At the end of my recent trip to Japan, I found myself at Haneda Airport in Tokyo with an hour or so to kill. So I went to the onsen.

On the 12th floor of the Villa Fontaine Grand, a hotel attached to the departure terminal, I paid 4,800 yen, or about $33, for access to the Izumi Tenku no Yu natural hot spring. I was soon soaking in an outdoor pool heated to around 104 degrees Fahrenheit as I watched the sun set over the city. Bliss is not a word I usually associate with air travel, but that is what I felt.

As airport amenities go, an outdoor hot spring is pretty rare. But many airports have spots that can delight, if you know how to find them. Changi, in Singapore, for example, is the superstar of airports, worth spending a whole weekend exploring.

We’re asking New York Times readers to share the unexpected spots they’ve discovered at terminals, whether in the United States or abroad, the places that can take the sting out of the too-often-fraught flying experience.

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